0. Main tag to put in default.wc page: This tag renders all system-generated HTML. Without it, you have nothing!
1. Drop this in the title tag of your page and we'll dynamically generate a title or use the one from your store settings.
2. Create a page to be included in your master template or any page: (This would render a page named section-side-right.wc) in any Sophio template page. It is common for your default.wc (master template) to have several of these.
3. Add social icons to a page:
4. Add Google Translate to a page:
5. Add Google Plus one to a page:
6. Add Twitter feed to a page:
7. Add Facebook page:
8. Add Twitter page:
9. Add LinkedIn page:
10. Home page: Create a file called index.wws and store it in templates folder. This file can include any of the above widgets.
11. Add store locator widget:
12. Add smart search widget:
13. Add mini-shopping cart widget:
14. Add new items widget:
15. Add promotion sign-up widget:
16. Add garage widget:
17. Add free shipping widget:
18. Add payment info widget: