How does automatic order send work?

For a WHI powered webstore, there are three modes for automatic order fulfillment.


MATCH-ONLY - if the linecode and sku in your order matches a linecode and sku on the distributors DMS the order is sent regardless of stock status


MATCH-AND-STOCK - if the linecode and sku in your order matches a linecode and sku on the distributors DMS and the quantity available exceeds or matches what is being ordered, the order is sent


MATCH-AND-STOCK-AND-BRANCH - if the linecode and sku in your order matches a linecode and sku on the distributors DMS and the quantity available at the branch specified by the buyer (used with our in store pickup module) exceeds or matches what is being ordered, the order is sent.


To setup the above, go to your storesetup.wws page and click the Supplier page.  You will see two fields.  Enter TRUE in the box for Automatically send order, and then enter the exact text you see above for the mode you want.


For Worldpac and IMC powered webstores, the modes above are not available.  We simply send each line of the order that has quantity available.

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